Proud of myself!

Today I went to the doctor to do a little checkup. When I was filling in the regular forms before going in it said something about bloodtest. I've never taken a bloodtest my whole life and freaked out! Almost started crying there in the waiting room. I signed the papers anyway and waited for my name to be called. They called me and I took Monique in me in the room. The girl/nurse, whatever she was, was like 23 or something, really young, forst time ever. But I liked her, felt like talking to a friend :) Anyways she said that the bloodtest wasn't a must and that I got to choose myself if I wanted to do it or not. After thinking for about 10 minutes I took a grip of myself and approved! Scared as hell but I did it! So proud of myself!!:D And I know that you all might think "what's the big deal it's just a bloodtest!" But yeah for me it IS! I'm terrified of shots and needles and anyone who doesn't believe me, ask Monique! ;p The whole thing went good, felt really dissy in the end (she took three whole tubes for christ sake!) and afterwords something weird wasn't really a faint (I've fainted before when shots has been involved) cause I could feel the whole process and everything was spinning... yeah whatever, let's skip that part and stick to the fact that I was brave and did an excellent job people!;)

I've had a busy week, therefor no update her for example. Mickie and her twinsister Shelly left for a trip to Arkansas tuesday morning. Leaving me with the three girls, their cousin Jack and Brian with a torn acilles heal in a cast! Thank god that aunt Raine has been helping me out!:p It's been busy busy but soo much fun actually. Jack really made it a whole lot easier, he's such a pleasant boy to have around and he spreads good energy. The moms got home now tonight and tomorrow they're leaving. But it's been a good week!

only four more months now and then I get to go back to see my beloved! Had a dream about me coming home the other day. Lukas were a baby mixed with a dog for some reason and we were all sitting in dads kitchen after my arrival. Lukas came up to me and said "You're finally home, we've missed you big sister" it really touched me, eventhough it was a dream. I miss you all so so much!! Can't wait!

Anyways, time to make a phonecall to the punk in Arizona and then get some sleep so I have some energy for the kids tomorrow. Hopefully I get the weekend off, though it wouldn't surprise me if they have me working saturday night as usual

Flobots - handlebar
Bruce Springstein - On fire
Across the universe soundtrack (It's just awesome! All the old beatles classic in a new and funky way..)

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of the shoe, the horse was lost. For want of the horse, the rider was lost. For want of the rider, the battle was lost. For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail!

Postat av: Elin

21 på båten! sorry..

Vill du hem nu?=) haha men hur blir de me plugget o det nu då? inte sagt nåt om det mer.

ja soffan e skitskön oxå!

well ha det

2008-07-15 @ 17:57:30

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