
It's crazy how fast your life can change!

Last night when me and Monique were talking a walk down Conneticut Avenue, we suddenly hear a LOUD bang. We turn around just in time to see a cab hitting a man crossing the street!! He flies up on the hood, rolls down and tumbles around on the street..We ran over to make sure he was okay, by now he was crawling towards us to get out of the way from all the cars coming down the street. He seemed to be okay but then he fell down flat on the ground. Another man came and put the mans head on his lap and placed him on his back. We called the ambulance and waited. But the worst part about the whole thing must have been the hysterical scream of the women and kid that was with him. They were clearly in shock so we had to make sure they were okay and sat down with them. Anyway, the ambulance, police and firedepartment came and we were the only witnesses so we left our number and told them what had happened. Hopefully they could clear it all out. The cab driver of course lied and said he was driving 20 mph. No one (especially the cab drivers) drive 20 down conneticut!

It really gives you a perspective of life. I mean we crossed at the exact same place as him a few minutes earlier! It's interesting though how the human body, even in a crisis, uses it reflexes to protect itself. When his body hit the ground he already had his hands covering his head and his body rolled up like a ball. All this his body figured out, in just a matter of a second, would protect him the best from the fall! It's scary..the sound of his body getting hit followed by that women screaming, it's defently gonna haunt both me and Monique for a long long time!!


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