Mamma Mia
Finally got to see Mamma Mia yesterday. Have been wanting to see that movie since the first time I saw the prewievs. Me and Monique went up to the neighbourhood and saw it. Such a great movie. Best movie I've seen in a while! So happy and charming, and of course the best music. Makes me proud to be swedish!;D Haha..defently a movie I recommend you all to watch. Has it been released in Sweden yet?
Time to go to the gym and work that ass off!
Dividing your attention between two dreams...
...that's the motivating e-mail I got today in my inbox. It matched my situation so good right now! Feels like I have it a little bit more figured out today then yesterday though. I just needed to stop for a second, think about what I want and be brave enough to do it. Sometimes you just have to follow your dreams, even if it means leaving the people you love the most behind. True love never dies, isn't that what they say?
Lasse Lindh - Jag klarar mig aldrig ensam
Michael buble - Home
Jojo - A little too late
"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." Andy Warhol
"If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be too cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down." Annie Dillard
"There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity." Douglas MacArthur
I'm so lost inside of my head..
Call me Camilla and dad I need you!
"Life is rather like a tin of sardines - we're all of us looking for the key." Alan Bennett
Seconhand serenade rocks!;p
I'm obcessed with this song! It is soooo good! Sad though. Gives me that uncomfortable butterfly feeling in my stomach.
Your call
It's not over
A few other songs from Seconhand serenade that are awesome! They really rock!
One step at a time
And tuesday I went to my first soccergame here in America. Me, Greg, Mark, Mike, Dominique and Brandon took a "guys night out" and went to see United play Atlante. Sadly Atlante won but it was a good game with such an american feeling about it..
What else is going on? trips for august are booked. Sadly though I'm not coming with my darling Monique up to Iowa as planned. The tickets were way too expensive when me and Mickie looked the other day. And Mickie and Brian are paying half of my 500$ tickets so that I can come join them in the colorado mountains. So that's how it's gonna work. A few days with my dear friend Anna, who I wen't to high school with in Sweden, she lives in Colorado. After that I join the family for a trip up to the mountains for a few days. Then it's time to head down to Joey in Arizona.
Last night our family and Henrys family from across the street had a BBQ at our house for Sydneys friend Naomi and her family. They're leaving to move to Vietnam for three years cause the dad, Dane, got a job there. It was a nice little BBQ but sooo sad to see Sydney and Naomi say goodbye to eachother knowing they're not gonna see there best friend until they're almost 9 years old! And I got more emotional than I thought I would when I had to say goodbye to Mishka (Naomis mom). We've gotten pretty close during my time here and she's such a loving and nice women. Probably won't ever see them again. But I guess I better get used to it since everyone I know down here is leaving me in a nearby future. Just got invited to Linda-Maries going away party this saturday..It's gonna be hard, but hey who said life was easy!?
Last but not least, the papers for applying to Santa Barbara City College are sent and ready to be viewed in Sweden. I really hope I can get a spot, get good enough results on the english test and get in!:)
Jordin sparks - A step at a time
Pussycat dolls - When I grow up
"Stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary." Louisa May Alcott
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." Marcel Proust
Proud of myself!
I've had a busy week, therefor no update her for example. Mickie and her twinsister Shelly left for a trip to Arkansas tuesday morning. Leaving me with the three girls, their cousin Jack and Brian with a torn acilles heal in a cast! Thank god that aunt Raine has been helping me out!:p It's been busy busy but soo much fun actually. Jack really made it a whole lot easier, he's such a pleasant boy to have around and he spreads good energy. The moms got home now tonight and tomorrow they're leaving. But it's been a good week!
only four more months now and then I get to go back to see my beloved! Had a dream about me coming home the other day. Lukas were a baby mixed with a dog for some reason and we were all sitting in dads kitchen after my arrival. Lukas came up to me and said "You're finally home, we've missed you big sister" it really touched me, eventhough it was a dream. I miss you all so so much!! Can't wait!
Anyways, time to make a phonecall to the punk in Arizona and then get some sleep so I have some energy for the kids tomorrow. Hopefully I get the weekend off, though it wouldn't surprise me if they have me working saturday night as usual
Flobots - handlebar
Bruce Springstein - On fire
Across the universe soundtrack (It's just awesome! All the old beatles classic in a new and funky way..)
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of the shoe, the horse was lost. For want of the horse, the rider was lost. For want of the rider, the battle was lost. For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail!
Rise and shine!
It hurts to see you sad Joey. I wanna help you in every possible way, dunno what I can do though? There comes a time in life when you just have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it. After all, life is to short to be anything but happy. If I was down there I would give you a 1000 hugs til it all felt better :)
Should you find yourself at a loss, wondering what life is all about and what your purpose is, be thankful.
There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity to wonder.
I'm so lost inside of my head
But it's not taking me
And it seems so long ago
That I used to believe
And I'm so lost inside of my head
And crazy
But I cant get out of it
I'm just stumbling
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
But I'm listening as it evolved in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine
And I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
And I was just walking on one fine wire
But It's frayed at both the ends
And I'm slow unraveling
Life plays such silly games inside of me
And I've felt some distant cries, following
And their entwined between the night and sun beams
I wish I were free from this pain in me
Seconhand serenade - Fall for you
Colbie caillat - One fine wire
Katy perry - Thinking of you